Our Team
For over 30 years, Alberta Tubular Products (ATP) has been and continues to be one of Canada’s largest independent Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) and Line Pipe distributors. ATP’s extensive, premium stock meets a project’s need for Drilling and Completions as well as Facilities. We’ve earned our customers loyalty and trust over the past 30 years of operation.
Our team is passionate about your needs. They respond quickly to your requests and have the knowledge you need to support your project pipe decisions.
Our selling strategy can match your project strategy which means your pipe deliveries can match your timelines. Our team is responsive. In other words, you need only ask us once.
Meet our Salesforce

Andre Arlain

Scott Deibert

Allan Fisher

Chris Martini

Paul Viccars
Executive Team
In addition to having an average of 30 years in the industry, our executive team supports our entire staff in delivering the best possible product and service to you.
We are service oriented and responsive. Our values include full transparency, trust and accountability.

Culture is important to us. Our long-tenured staff ensure consistency. They are capable — dedicated to getting the best product, the best price and the most transparent and accurate paperwork. Logistics is also part of what they do. Our low staff turnover means they understand the industry. Your timelines are our timelines.